Just six months ago, Grady was a very different little boy, always complaining of leg and stomach aches and sleeping much of the day away. Today, Grady is a typical four-year-old boy who loves long nature walks, summers at the pool, and lots and lots of running outside. His mom, Daniele is abundantly grateful for his energy and enthusiasm for life. "Looking back at his short life, I realize he's always been kind of sickly, with several ear and strep infections, and flu and stomach issues," says Daniele. When Grady and his family flew to Texas for Thanksgiving in 2019, his health took a turn for the worse and he was uncontrollably sick the entire flight back to Virginia. He never fully recovered from this episode and was eventually diagnosed in April 2020 with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, the most common type of pediatric leukemia.
Grady immediately began six months of intensive chemotherapy to get his leukemia under control. He will spend the next 2.5 years on daily liquid chemotherapy from home as maintenance. His paren

ts already have a celebration plain in place for July 2, 2022, the day when Grady takes his last chemo treatment. "ASK helps us celebrate every day with Grady and I'm sure they'll be a part of his last treatment day celebration as well" exclaims Daniele. "ASK has been a beacon of hope throughout this journey and we couldn't have done this without them. Truly, I can't imagine our lives right now without ASK." Daniele describes the ASK staff as their "firm foundation from the moment of diagnosis. Katie Barber, ASK child life specialist, is an amazing soul. We had no clue what we were about to experience in clinic but there was Katie to help us navigate the complexities of treatment and provide fun for Grady while we were confined to a treatment room."

"Katie Barber, ASK child life specialist, is an amazing soul. We had no clue what we were about to experience in clinic but there was Katie to help us navigate the complexities of treatment and provide fun for Grady while we were confined to a treatment room."
"ASK continues to anticipate our needs before we even realize what we're needing," continues Daniele. "Whether it's paying for unexpected medical bills or Christmas gifts for the whole family, ASK is always one step ahead of us. I'm so grateful that ASK will be with us through treatment and beyond."
ASK continues to support families and patients beyond diagnosis and treatment through school tutoring, a survivorship clinic and camp, programming for emotional, social and wellness support into young adulthood, as well as additional resources for those experiencing cognitive delays as a result of treatment.
"Most people don't realize that ASK is with every family, every step of the way. They aren't just here for the frontline diagnosis, but for years and years after treatment. All of us are so blessed to have ASK in our lives."