"Molly is feistier thank ever and she never ceases to amaze us," says Molly's mom, Roxsey. "Cancer made her tougher. She has no fear!"
Being fearless helped Molly fight a Wilms' tumor on her right kidney at age six. While other first graders were having fun on the playground, Molly was in the ASK clinic for rounds of chemotherapy and radiation and recovering from major surgery.

When Molly began complaining that her stomach hurt, her mom took her to the pediatrician. After a quick examination, it became clear she needed to go to the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU Health System for further evaluation. There, Molly received her diagnosis and surgery to remove her affected kidney within three days.
Now, Molly is back to soccer and loves to be on the water, fishing, boating and swimming. Molly's entire family is grateful to the ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation for their enormous support through services and programming. "We were so overwhelmed by Molly's diagnosis and treatment but we immediately felt the love of ASK staff who helped us navigate clinic, school and treatment.

"I have friends whose children have been diagnosed with life-threatening diseases and they don't have access to an organization like ASK. We are beyond fortunate and that's why we choose to give back to ASK by participating in the ASK 5K Run every spring."
Molly's family participated in their first ASK 5K in 2019 and already have their team assembled for May 2020.
"I want everyone to know about ASK and the amazing services it provides," explains Roxsey. When a family is presented with the overwhelming challenge
of having a child with cancer, ASK is there
to help the whole family. There is no other
organization like ASK!"